TAF - Definition. Was ist TAF

Was (wer) ist TAF - definition

Em meteorologia aeronáutica, TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast) é um formato para a comunicação de informações de previsão do tempo, especialmente no que se refere à aviação. "TAF" é um acrônimo de Terminal Aerodrome Forecast ou Previsão Terminal de Aeródromo, em alguns países, Previsão de Área Terminal (Terminal Area Forecast).
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für TAF
1. The first mission of what the rebels are calling the Tamil Eelam Air Force, or TAF, took place overnight.
2. In a statement read to the inquest in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, the former Gurkha said: "Taf made an emergency brake as the bullets were hitting our car.
3. Prosser, of Bryn Taf, Aberfan, south Wales, used an electric knife to saw off the leg to avoid paying vet‘s bills.
4. This "TAF" is designed to lower risk spreads in the high–quality end of the credit markets, and so far it is succeeding.
5. David "Taf" Addison, who was working in Afghanistan to fund his wife‘s IVF treatment, had been kidnapped in an ambush 12 days earlier.